Access between Airport & City Center

Apr-2020Basic Info, Useful Info

Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport

There are 4 airports in Chongqing, which are Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport (重慶江北国際空港), Chongqing Qianjiang Zhoubai Airport (黔江武陵山空港), Wanzhou Wuqiao Airport (万州五橋空港) and Chongqing Wushan Airport (重慶巫山空港).

Jiangbei International Airport is the largest among them and has Terminal 1, 2B (domestic), 2A (domestic) and T3A (domestic & international)

This page will introduce the access between Jiangbei International Airport and City Center.


Jiangbei International Airport is located in Yubei (渝北) district, 225km away from the city center, Yuzhong (渝中)

The available transportation is subway, monorail, bus and taxi.

IC Card

IC Card in Chongqing called ”宜居畅通卡”

IC card 宜居畅通卡 is used in Chongqing.

You can use the card for subway, monorail, elevator, bus and cable car.

Please refer to this page for the detailed guide on how to use public transportation in Chongqing.

The IC card is available at information center in every subway station at 20RMB without passport/ID card.

You can purchase it at subway station in Jiangbei International Airport.

When you want to charge the card, you can go to ticket machines or information center at any subway station.

Note that no convenience store or kiosk have IC card unlike other countries.

Subway & Monorail (CRT)

Subway & Monorail Map

Fee: Depends on the distance. The shortest distance is 2RMB and the longest is 7RMB.

You get 10% discount automatically from above fee by using the IC card.

How to use:Disposable One-way ticket is available at both ticket machines and information centers.

You can buy the IC card at 20RMB at Jiangbei International Airport and charge the amount you want.

If you travel Chongqing for 3 days, I’d recommend you to charge around 50RMB first.

Please be careful that no reimbursement is available.

Route Recommendation: Simple and easy transportation route between airport and city center is below↓↓↓

RouteDepart atGuideDestinationExpected timeFeeOpening hours
1T2Take Line 10 bound for ”鲤鱼池” → Change to Line 6 bound for ”茶园” at ”红土地” station → Get off at ”小什字” station and walk to Jiafangbei for 9 mins Jiafangbei (解放碑)46 mins6RMB06:30-22:30
2T3Same as aboveJiafangbei (解放碑)43 mins5RMB06:30-22:30
3T2Take Line 10 bound for ”鲤鱼池” → Change to Line 3 bound for ”鱼洞方向” at “重庆北站南广场" station → Change to Line 2 bound for “较场口方向” at ”牛角沱” station →Linjiangmen (临江门) station61 mins6RMB06:30-22:30
4T3Same as aboveLinjiangmen (临江门) station58mins6RMB06:30-22:30
Subway Official Website

CRT website (In Chinese only):
You can see the subway map on the website and can choose the departure station from the drop down list of ”起始站” and select your destination in ”终点站” box, which will show you several routes, fees and expected transportation time.

Airport Express Bus

Airport express bus is also a good means to access to city center.

Some of the airport express buses are equipped with free Wi-fi and phone charger.

Fee: 15RMB to 20RMB(You get 10% discount from the fee listed below by using IC card)

How to use: When you take the bus, you pay by cash (no exchange) or IC card, so you don’t have to tap your card when you get off.

Bus Rote: Please be aware of the directions↓↓↓

BusDepart atStop atDestinationExpected timeFeeOpening hours
K01解放碑→大礼堂→上清寺→加州花园→T2→T3A 1h10mins15RMB08:30-30 mins after the final flight arrived
K03沙坪坝(杨公桥)→T2→ same route as bus 801→T3A1h15mins15RMB08:30-23:30
T3→T2→ same route as bus 181番→沙坪坝(杨公桥)1h15mins15RMB07:00-21:00
T3 →T2→T1→南坪(四公里枢纽站)1h10mins15RMB08:30-22:30
K06重庆西站 →T2→T1→T31h10mins20RMB08:30-21:00
大学城西站1路→大学城美院→轨道陈家桥站→轨道赖家桥站→ T31h10mins20RMB09:00-20:00


When you transfer with a group of people or with heavy luggage, taxi is a good choice.

All the taxi has taxi meter and the fee depends on the distance.

You cannot use IC card.

Private/non-registered taxi is prohibited in Chongqing.

There is taxi stand near arrival gate at airport where you find easily by following the signs.

Note that it costs 15% more after 11pm till early morning.

DestinationDistanceExpected Fee (Daytime)Expected Fee (After 11pm)
南 坪33km60RMB69RMB

I often see taxi drivers talking to tourists near arrival gate but suspect that they are illegal private taxi that has no meter (or customized meter) and asks for additional charge with no receipt. It’s much safer to go to taxi stand and take those yellow cab.

Apr-2020Basic Info, Useful Info

Posted by Shiba Shiba